Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
summer 2010 bucket list items #12 && #21---check.
#21: go to gateway mall.
so i left work early to drive up to salt lake...i like it there. it's a cute city :)
but anyways, i picked him up and we went to the gateway for lunch and some window shopping :D i've never really been to the gateway, this being why it is on my bucket list. there are so many fun stores, my favorites being the HUGE versions of build-a-bear & forever 21, as well as anthropologie.
someday i'll buy something from that store.
and we took fun pictures!
collage: courtesy of mauricio :)

and of course it rained on the day we went to an outdoor mall...
we were slipping and sliding everywhere!
but we made the most of it and had fun :)
i think that's silly.
but it was worth it :)
we went back to the dorms so i could meet some of his friends.
i like them.
they're nice :)
but the leader lady...she kicked me out of the building.
because apparently i could potentially "harm" the participants in the summer program or something.
which i guess "potentially" i could.
but still.
it's dumb.
haha i'm not a serial killer :)
so then mauricio and i just went for a drive and
ended up playing and laughing together :)
that boy is my best friend.
and today was fun :)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
when i grow up
it's in the shape of a star, has a picture of me in the middle,
and each point has a little tid bit of information about me.
oh yeah, and it's from 1996...
when i was 4 years old :)
the five points of the star say:
~she wants to be a princess when she grows up~
well. i think i'll have to give up that occupation idea because i lack royal blood AND i don't know any princes...so i'm 0 for 2 in the prerequisites area.
it's okay because i have a new career path! or at least a path for the first semester of college! :D
i signed up for my classes promptly at midnight last night, as soon as i could :) and i got all the classes i want! they are:
.contemporary dance technique & theory 2.
.book of mormon.
.american heritage.
.intro to english language.
.spanish 206.
.student leadership development.
i'm seriously so excited.
only 47 more days til i start COLLEGE.
that is a beautiful thought :)
but for now, i'll continue to enjoy my summer...
hanging out with friends every night!
tonight i made new friends: cody and blake and nicole.
and then with them and josh and landon, we all sang while cody used his guitar skills :)
it was a fun night :)
but anyways, that's all for now :) ~~ peace&&loveee
Friday, July 9, 2010
so to my recollection, i graduated not too long ago...less than 2 months ago actually.
see look: proof.
so why is there STILL drama?
i'm not entirely sure, but i just kinda wish it would stop :)
so far it has ranged from girls hating me for no reason, to me letting my mouth run wild with one special word that got me into a lot of trouble, some friendships ending, people fake dating for a night?, and then the usual, of people just talking behind other people's back. ugh. too much hate, too many rumors, too much craziness! let me just tell you. it's a blast!
ha... not really, but at the same time, i really don't care anymore. because like i said, i've graduated. i'm done with high school drama. so it may continue, and i may be around for it, but i just don't really care :)
but for the good points of my day... :)
~i saw missionaries talking to a lady on the sidewalk :) i hope they told her how families can be together forever, and i hope she gets baptized :) ...and i hope my brother found a golden contact today, too, cuz i like it when my brother is successful :)
~i went bowling with friends...my score the last 3 times i've gone has been 42. every time. yeah don't hate on me just cuz i suck :) but this time i broke the trend! ...i got 40. well at least the first round. but the second round i got 69, including one STRIKE! so that was pretty joyous :)
~and last, as i sat down to my computer to write this blog, i saw a love note by the computer :) ...not for me, but that's okay :) it is from my brother-in-law, to my sister [[they're living with us at the moment]] and it says, "i love you, my lovely bride :)" ......yeahhh. he's for sure a keeper :) i just love when love stays romantic :) seriously, it doesn't take much to be romantic. more boys should try it more often :)
well that is all for now...we'll see what the rest of the weekend has in store for me?
:) :/ :@
Monday, July 5, 2010
jumpin on that band wagon
and you sheepishly reply, "well everyone else was doing it..."
and then they give you the famous, "if everyone else was jumping off a bridge, would you?"
and it drives you crazy every single time they say it because obviously you wouldn't be THAT stupid.
but then you get older and realize that they're only trying to teach you that you don't always have to follow the crowd...
but even then you don't listen.
which is why i am following the crowd and getting a blog :)
so enjoy, or leave. just take your pick :)