Monday, April 18, 2011

to my best friend♥ (day 4)

day 4 – your favorite photograph of your best friend.

dear ashlee,

you are my very best friend in the whole wide world :)

you have always been there for me, through thick and thin.
you care about me and my happiness.
you worry about me.
you act like my mom sometimes ;)
you support me even when my decisions aren't always the smartest...
you let me cry on your shoulder when i need to,
or even let me sit on your lap while you just hold me as i break down.

and i know you love me because you do all these things for me.

idk what i would do without your friendship.

i know i'm a difficult person sometimes,
and i know i'm crazy.
i'm blunt and can be mean on accident...
i don't always think before acting.

but you still love me.

and because you love me so much,
it makes it that much easier to love you in the same way.

you are my best sister even.
i hope we're close forever, because you mean the world to me.
i love you ash :)

♥♥ashley nicole

Friday, April 15, 2011

dia tres

day 3: your idea of the perfect first date


i think this is difficult because usually you can't find perfection on a first date...

you're just barely getting to know someone!

so i guess that's part of what would make a perfect first date--

an instant connection and being way comfortable right away.

as far as first date activities...

anything interactive.

as in, not movies or anything you just sit and watch.

but rather, something where you can talk and play and laugh together :)

there should also be food...

because food is always good :)

especially when someone else is paying ;)

although it does not have to be expensive haha :)


i guess i'm not very specific about what i'd want for a perfect first date.

oh well.

guess that's how i'm rolling at the moment :)

