Wednesday, August 4, 2010

can i PLEASE pet your moustache?? :D

so today started out quite normally...
went to work, got ready, and then went to pick up rachel and ash.
it was the dance company mini showcase thingy today.
the one that they do at the end of dance camp.
so rach, ash, and i wanted to go watch our cute dancer girlies that we miss :)

it didn't quite go how we planned.
we got lost.
backtracked, retracked, but definitely did NOT take the fast track.
we actually got there about 10 hours late...
ok i'm exaggerating.
it was only 9 hours late.
therefore we only got to see one of their dances :'(
which was quite sad...
but they did very well :)

so then we went shopping! :D
and had lots of success...especially rachel ;)

and after that we headed home.
or tried to, at least...
we were actually headed for wyoming somehow??
and then denver...
and then i'm pretty sure we just appeared in texas or new york or something.
it was seriously ridiculous.

so we pulled over and we were all on the phone with
our parents trying to figure out how to get home...
when this nice man pulled up :)
he asked us where we were headed.

when we told him, i'm pretty sure he laughed at us...
because we were NOT headed in the right direction :)
but he helped us out and got us headed in the right direction :)

and oh yeah.
he had a BOMB moustache.
we considered asking him if we could pet it...
but obviously used our better judgement on that one ;)

but anyways...
the moral of the story?
i'm pretty sure THIS is why my parents don't want me going on a road trip.
but hey.
at least i know how to get to wyoming and denver now ;)



semis look tooootally weird without their tails.


  1. did it seriously take you nine hours?..that's insane!

  2. hahahahhahaha noooo! it didn't take 9 hours haha :) it took like twice as long as it should have though because both times we had to backtrack a bunch haha :)
