Monday, July 5, 2010

jumpin on that band wagon

so do you remember being young and getting in trouble and then your parents ask you, "why did you do it?"
and you sheepishly reply, "well everyone else was doing it..."
and then they give you the famous, "if everyone else was jumping off a bridge, would you?"

and it drives you crazy every single time they say it because obviously you wouldn't be THAT stupid.

but then you get older and realize that they're only trying to teach you that you don't always have to follow the crowd...

but even then you don't listen.

which is why i am following the crowd and getting a blog :)

so enjoy, or leave. just take your pick :)



  1. Hey Ash!
    Welcome to the world of blogging! Cute Blog! haha. Hope all is well! Haven't heard from you in awhile!!Love Ya!

  2. Blogging is great!! Add me!

    It will be fun to stay updated on what you are doing!!
